Speed gate with servo motor or High-way station ticket gate

Speed gate with servo motor for High-speed rail station ticket gate
    Nowadays, with the rapid national economy,more and more people choose high-speed rail. But the most time in the high-speed rail station is long queue of tickets, especially the peak season. At this time, many people hope to serve first-class service. High-speed rail ticket gates can appear in China's high-speed rail stations. So what kind of gates are recommended for high-speed rail ticket gates?

    The ticket gate of the high-speed railway station is mainly used for the subway station gate . the high-speed railway station and the three stations of the railway station (airport). Main function is to verify the passager by scanning QR code,face,ticket and documents.

speed gate

The speed gate with servo motor for high-speed railway station. There are several advantages:

Teh first, the door open fast ,and the speed of the servo speed gate check gate is less than one second. The speed of such a fast speed is not perceived.

The second, the ticket inspection is smooth. the high-speed railway station is crowded with people and a lot of luggages. So it is very important to keep the ticket gates running smooth and frequent, without malfunction, and to maintain normal work. To ensure the ticket system stabile in the peak season ,high speed rail ticket system use the turnstile with servo motor . It will be increase in life spam . The optimized mechanical structure design makes the ticket gates have higher Anti-fatigue performance and impact resistancen to maintain long time normal work.

The third is to ensure the personal safety of passengers. This is also very important. Passengers passing through the high-speed rail station with young people, elderly people, children, and passengers carrying suitcases, baby carriages and wheelchairs. The high-speed rail ticket gates need to sensitively detect people of different postures and different shapes to prevent gate clamps. To pedestrians or items. The servo speed gate check-in gate with infrared induction technology. It can accurately judge the passenger's traffic in the passage and ensure that passengers will not be injured or pinched by the gate.

General speaking, high-speed rail ticket gates to replace traditional manual ticket inspections. It can reduce staff, reducing operating costs. Automatic identification of high-speed ticket gates is faster and more accurate than manual. which can greatly improve passengers' access. effectiveness.

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